Honorary President of Cheung Kong International Chamber of CommerceChairman of the Board of Directors of The Starbelt Financial GroupKnown as the "Godfather of World Finance and Insurance"
Honorary President of Cheung Kong International Chamber of CommerceChairman of Fang Li Bangqin FoundationHonorary President of Peking University
Honorary President of Cheung Kong International Chamber of CommerceChairman, Board of Directors, Cheung Kong holdings (Group) Limited and Hutchison Whampoa Limited (and Wong)
Honorary President of Changjiang International Chamber of CommerceChinese Kuomintang politicianFormer Chairman of the Kuomintang Party of China
Honorary President of Changjiang International Chamber of CommerceVice President of China Civilian Chamber of CommerceChief Executive Officer, Fok Ying Tung Group, Hong Kong
Supervisory Chen Jun